From the Publisher: Are you letting your kids get away with murder? Are you allowing your mother-in-law to impose her will on you? Are you embarrassed by praise or crushed by criticism? Are you having trouble coping with people? Learn the answers in
When I Say No, I Feel Guilty, the best-seller with revolutionary new techniques for getting your own way.
Where: N-train
Who was Reading:Wealthy looking woman with a high, highlighted ponytail and equally high arching eyebrows. Dressed in long khaki trousers that didn’t quite conceal white sneakers. A sassy pair of heels could be seen poking out of one of her (multiple) handbags.
Apropos of Nothing: Why is it necessary to carry so many damned handbags? I notice that these multi-baggers (or “bag-hags”) usually have one fancy leather one accompanied by however many cheap-looking cloth totes. Now I’ve never been a fan of handbags myself, far preferring the convenience of a simple messenger bag, but if the point of these glitzy leather creations is to look all spiffy when you venture out in public, don’t you defeat the purpose by loading yourself down with a bunch of dumpy satchels as well?